Millions of people use a password manager. If you don't, you might be wondering if you need it. Take a minute to answer the questions below and you will find out if you should be joining the millions of people already using a password manager to keep yourself secure.
Start by thinking of all of the accounts you have that require passwords. How many do you have in total? Think of your email accounts, online banking accounts, work accounts, school accounts, social media accounts, streaming accounts, health care accounts, investment accounts, insurance accounts, etc.
Cybersecurity experts say you should use a different password for every single one of those accounts. Do you? If you answered no, you need a password manager.
Do you use long, complex passwords made up of letters, numbers, and symbols for every single account? If you answered no, you need a password manager.
Do you struggle to come up with strong, unique passwords when making new accounts? If you answered yes, you need a password manager.
Have you ever tried logging into an account only to be told that your password or username is incorrect? If you answered yes, you need a password manager.
Have you ever had to guess your own password or username when logging into an account? If you answered yes, you need a password manager.
Have you ever had to reset a password because you couldn’t remember what it was? If you answered yes, you need a password manager.
Have you ever been frustrated or annoyed by any of the above? If you answered yes, you need a password manager.
So, do you need a password manager?
You do. Everyone does. Millions of people are already using a password manager and Cybersecurity experts recommend that everyone should use one. Don't get left behind. Using one will help you keep your accounts secure and eliminate the frustrations that come with passwords all while making it convenient for you to log into any account you want whenever you want. If you have any questions about password managers, email us at and our team will be more than happy to help.